
Ex Tropical Cyclone Megan - Tropical Low 09U

The Northern Territory (NT) experienced flooding and storm damage due to a tropical low 09U - Tropical Cyclone Megan over the East Arnhem, West Arnhem and Roper Gulf districts in mid March 2024.

Affected communities and surrounding homelands included:

  • Angurugu
  • Gunbalanya
  • Borroloola.

On 15 March, Residents of Gunbalanya experienced flooding when a severe storm and king tide coincided. About 50 residents relocated to other parts of the community with some homes suffering inundation.

On 16-17 March, the community of Angurugu’s power was cut off due to structural damage from the storm. Works to fully restore power supply are continuing, with some houses not yet reconnected.

An evacuation order for Borroloola issued on 17 March ahead of Cyclone Megan could not be enacted after RAAF transports were unable to safely land. Residents were directed to shelter in place. Fortunately, whilst Cyclone Megan crossed the coast as a Category 3, it lost strength as it moved over land, weakening to a Category 2, and then a low when it passed between communities on 18 March.

As ex-Tropical Cyclone moved west over the NT, the Bureau of Meteorology forecast that the McArthur River at Borroloola would reach major flood level and peak around 16.5 metres – which the community can largely withstand. The Bureau subsequently forecast river rises past the record flood level to 18 metres. Based on available flood modelling, a decision was made to partially evacuate the community to reduce pressure on local resources. Approximately 380 people were evacuated to Darwin over two days, 20-21 March. The remaining residents were able to remain in the community, with approximately 100 people staying at the primary school, which was stood up as a public shelter. The Emergency Operations Centre ensured food security in community throughout this time, as well as providing other supports.

Financial help

Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements

Disaster assistance for the communities in the affected area is now open.

Financial support is available for eligible individuals and families, businesses, primary producers, non-profit organisations, and local and state governments affected by the severe weather event.

This support is provided through the Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements and covers the following.

Category A

Personal hardship and distress payments for eligible affected residents; emergency home repairs; and removal of debris and personal and financial counselling.

Immediate Hardship Payment

The Immediate Hardship Payment is a one-off payment for meeting personal immediate needs such as food, transport, medical supplies and clothing for people who were evacuated from their homes or had their home impacted by floodwaters during the January 2024 Tropical Low 03U flood event.

Eligibility criteria

  • Residents of Angurugu who were living in Angurugu Community at the time of the prolonged power failure related to Tropical Low O9U (that later formed into Cyclone Megan). Payments will be made through the Welfare Group visiting the Evacuation Centre to those people registered and visiting community to make payments to people though an outreach team set up in a central location. Dates and times will be provided through the Local Emergency Committee.
  • Residents of Gunbalyana whose houses were inundated and/or required to move due to threat of inundation due to Tropical Low O9U rainfall and the co-including King Tide on the 15 March 2024  as confirmed by the Local Controller. People in this group are being directly contacted by the Welfare Group to arrange payment.
  • Residents who were living in Borroloola at the time of flooding after Cyclone Megan. This includes those who were evacuated to Darwin on the Defence flights and those who remained in Community. Payments will be made through the Welfare Group visiting the Evacuation Centre to those people registered and visiting community to make payments to people though an outreach team set up in a central location. Dates and times will be provided through the Local Emergency Committee.

If you have questions or need more information about the Immediate Hardship Payment go to a Territory Families, Housing and Communities office.

Category B

Repairs to services and infrastructure; freight subsidies to primary producers and assistance to non-profit organisations; and support for local councils and residents to help with clean-up costs and the restoration of essential public assets.

Assistance for primary producers and non-profit organisations, includes:

  • Up to $5,000 to support freight costs associated with transporting livestock and fodder, replacing or repairing buildings, equipment, machinery or fences. This is initial disaster assistance for those in immediate need and further support may be considered.
  • Non-profit organisations access to one-off grant funding of up to $10,000 to repair or replace an asset.

Eligibility criteria

Communities eligible for assistance include the following local government authorities:

  • East Arnhem
  • West Arnhem
  • Roper Gulf.

For information on how to apply for the freight subsidy, go to the Northern Territory Government website.

For information on how to apply for the non-profit grant funding, go to Grants NT.

Contact or phone 1800 193 111.

Information on all disaster assistance can be found on the Australian Government’s Disaster Assist website.

Assistance to restore or repair essential public assets

DRFA assistance has been extended to local government areas in

  • Alice Springs,
  • Barkly,
  • Central Desert,
  • MacDonnell and
  • Victoria Daly.

This extension applies to repair and reconstruction of public assets only; it is not available to individuals or private enterprise.

The measure provides financial assistance to help government and councils with the costs of restoring or repairing eligible essential public assets or infrastructure damaged as a direct result of the 09U weather system.

It also covers emergency and immediate reconstruction works, such as temporary repairs, which are undertaken immediately after a disaster to enable an eligible asset to be operational.

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics undertakes restoration works for NT Government assets.

The funding will assist local governments to undertake restoration and work that is beyond the scope of their operational budgets.

Repairs by NT Government include

  • works on major highways and roads that were significantly impacted,
  • repairs to public housing,
  • repairs to other infrastructure assets that were damaged by Tropical Low 09U.

Impact assessment survey for pastoralists

Pastoral properties and property owners in the flood affected areas are able to do a self-assessment of their property and assets to provide details to the recovery team.

Properties not impacted by the floods are also asked to register through the survey to enable an understanding of the wider event impacts.

Complete the Northern Territory Disaster Impact Survey.

Stay up to date

Drivers are reminded to refer to Road Report NT website for all the latest road updates as conditions can change quickly.


The call centre for this weather event is closed. If you require assistance, refer to the information below.

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