

If you have livestock, it pays to be prepared early in case of emergencies.

Develop an emergency plan that includes your livestock. You should:

  • check whether local arrangements cater for relocation of livestock
  • coordinate relocation of domestic animals and livestock with neighbours, friends or livestock associations as early as possible
  • complete all National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) requirements – please see the NLIS website for more information
  • fit gates on internal fences to avoid moving stock along public roads
  • mark gates and water locations on a map of your property in case someone has to move the stock for you
  • make sure your NT Property Identification Code (PIC) is up to date
  • consider moving stock into a safe area before leaving your property for any length of time on days of high risk or if an emergency warning is current.

Livestock in emergencies

The best preparation for livestock is to relocate them to a safe location as early as possible.

If this is not possible, follow these precautions:

  • during a flood – move animals to high ground with adequate natural feed, making arrangements for additional feed in case your stock are stranded for extended periods
  • during a severe storm or a cyclone - place animals under solid cover if possible, such as a sturdy stable, shed or covered pen
  • in extreme circumstances – you may have to cut fences so stock can escape danger.

Download Prepare your livestock for emergencies PDF (188.6 KB) quick reference guide

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